Monday, July 11, 2011

Burung Surga

Ada 13 Genus dari Family Paradisaeidae atau Bird of Paradise dan yg paling terkenal adalah Genus Paradisaea. Kalau di Indonesia burung ini dikenal dengan nama burung Cendrawasih. Bercirikan dengan warna yang mencolok dan cerah, bulu berwarna kuning, biru, merah, dan hijau. Dengan warna-warna yang demikian mereka menjadi burung paling indah dan menarik di dunia, sehingga disebut sebagai burung dari surga. Burung cendrawasih banyak ditemukan di Papua atau Papua Nugini dan pulau-pulau sekitarnya, termasuk juga Australia Timur. Sayangnya keberadaan burung ini semakin berkurang seiring dengan banyaknya perburuan liar yang tidak bertanggung jawab.

Beautiful Masjid in The World II

The religion Islam is here for centuries. It was the time when Muslim rule the world. They were not only land lords or rulers but also very nice human being and socialist people. They were also rich so wherever they go, used to create great marvels so that rest will remember them for their brilliance in architecture.

As Muslims used to build other architectural masterpieces, they also created mosques for Muslims as well. This tread is somehow remain in modern-day Muslims as well.

Beautiful Masjid in The World I

The religion Islam is here for centuries. It was the time when Muslim rule the world. They were not only land lords or rulers but also very nice human being and socialist people. They were also rich so wherever they go, used to create great marvels so that rest will remember them for their brilliance in architecture.

As Muslims used to build other architectural masterpieces, they also created mosques for Muslims as well. This tread is somehow remain in modern-day Muslims as well.