Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Gurun Pinnacles di Taman Nasional Nambung, Australia

Terletak tidak jauh dari pantai barat daya Australia, ribuan pilar batu kapur menyeruak dari pergeseran pasir kuning. Tinggi mereka mencapai hingga tiga setengah meter. Beberapa bergerigi, atau berbentuk kolom dengan puncak yang tajam, sementara yang lain menyerupai batu nisan. Ini adalah Gurun Pinnacles, bagian dari Taman Nasional Nambung, sekitar 200 kilometer sebelah utara Perth.

20 Unique Roads in the World

There’s nothing like a road trip to really experience a country. From coastal highways and dizzying mountain passes, to scenic routes through national parks and bridges over great spans of water; roads are the circulatory system that connects a country. This is a list of some of the most beautiful, challenging and unforgettable roads in the world. While hardly exhaustive, this list should provide great inspiration and bucket list fodder for those planning an upcoming trip.